Friday, September 17, 2010

Here They Come Again

I have an uneasy feeling.  With the GOP Senate nomination of Tea Party rising star Christine O'Donnell in Delaware, it appears the religious right is amping up for another grab for control of the government.  I don't want to seem paranoid but I'm sure we have seen this before, only that time they used the moniker "Moral Majority".  And the Tea Party may be welcoming them with open arms.

This article from Huffington Post ( reports that various Tea Party / Republican leaders spoke at the 2010 Values Voter Summit in Washington D.C. on Friday.  The rhetoric all seemed to focus on  morality and how Washington has none.  The article does point out that there are some leaders of the Tea Party that want to keep a distance from social issues, for now.

I believe that we are heading down  a dangerous path.  The fundamentalist vision wants to deny civil rights for gays, control women's reproductive rights and ban stem cell research for starters.  Our country has worked very hard to get where we are today, and while not perfect, it beats the hell out of the religious rights desire for an earlier time.