Friday, October 1, 2010

No Whiners in Politcs

Recently, Joe Biden made the comment that "he wanted to remind our base constituency to stop whining and get out there and look at the alternatives.  The President has done an incredible job.  He's kept his promises."  Apparently some thin skinned Progressives got there feelings hurt. Joan Walsh of was one of them. 

In her Sept. 27th editorial she writes of some of the accomplishments in the previous 21 months since President Obama took the oath.  The healthcare and financial reform were monumental, just not monumental enough.  According to some progressives, especially ones with ample internet real estate to fill, nothing is ever good enough.  We get it.  You expected and wanted more, so did we. 

But I contend that with a scant four weeks left until mid - term elections now is not the time for petulant footstamping.  The stakes are much too high.  We need every Democrat on deck.  Especially those with far reaching influence.

The right wing may be set to wrench control of both the House and Senate if we don't wake up and take action.  While historically mid term elections have been low key, we know that is not the case this time.  The extreme right is gaining a foothold in the Republican Party and it could get ugly.  This is the time for a unified base.  Save the rest of the sniping until after the election. 

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