Saturday, November 13, 2010

I understand and mirror Rachel at 's frustration regarding the mainstream media, right vs. left (or vice- versa) battles, and general malaise that seems to permeate all things political right now.  Her post was written before this last election, but the negative rhetoric never lets up.  We think that there will be a break, but remember that the presidential election is now less than two years away and that means the process is starting all over again. 

Just as I am, she is also a supporter of  President Obama.  I do not feel, as Mike does, that the President is going to keep us in turmoil and strife.  Honestly, if Mr. Obama were to try and reach out to the right, he would most likely pull back a nub.  Did you hear Mitch McConnell's statements right before the election? No? He seems to have set the right's agenda for the next 2 years.  Forget jobs or the economy, this guy has his sights set on destroying all things related to the progress of the current administration.  Luckily, there have already been strides in the direction of progress. This link,WTH Has Obama Done So Far, illuminates some of the positive steps that have been accomplished.  I think there is something for everyone.  Did you know that more private sector jobs have been created during his two years in office than during the entire Bush administration?  That Pell Grants have been increased to help pay for college?  Those are just a couple of the items from the list of accomplishments already achieved.  But you would never know it if you only got your information from the media.

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