Friday, December 10, 2010

Talk smack about Bill will ya?

I want to thank Mike at  He felt that Bill Clinton got away with something, I'm not sure what though.  If we want to bring up presidents getting away with something, consider the following.
In the 1980s we had a president of the United States who broke U.S. law and an international embargo and sold missiles and other military hardware to Iran our enemy, to fund a covert war to keep a two bit dictator who would do our bidding in power in Central America, and knowingly with Germany supplied our buddy at the time Saddam Hussein with poison gas munitions which he used on the Iranians as well as his own people.
His V.P.,  before getting that gig, was head of the CIA and it’s documented under his watch the CIA was flying drugs out of Panama for our good friend at the time, Noriega.
Now later this future president’s son was hob knobbing with CEOs of oil and energy companies  like Ken Lay of Enron, and ruining every position in the oil sector his daddy could get him... not one successful co. yet had millions of dollars of investors from Saudi Arabia, and never turned a dollar for these investors either.
Eventually after a contested election this son became  president. His buddies  at Enron were intentionally shutting down the electrical grid to CA. to raise the prices and ripping off CA utilities for over 23 billion dollars. And even though the president was begged personally by the Governor of CA to get involved, which the federal govt is supposed to regulate, did nothing until the house of cards of Enron collapsed and exposed the old boy crony connections.
Soon afterword’s a highly motivated crew of terrorists, mostly Saudi Arabian nationals hijacked some airplanes on 9/11/2001. In response, after  much name calling and questioning the patriotism of nay sayers,  and alienating many longtime allies and behind a media blitz of trumped up lies,  attacked Iraq in 2003!
Now this Presidents V.P. while trying to trump up charges to attack Iraq had an active CIA agents identity exposed to the world, endangering the lives of any person working for US that came into contact with her,  to punish her husband, an analyst who would not back down that we had no factual evidence of WMD's in Iraq which was delaying the White House’s goal of war, with a country which had no ties to the terrorists.
AFTER ALL THIS and not one "LEADER" who was exposed for their deceit was brought up on treason charges or impeached.
It seems to me that the motivating factors for the Republican parties activities seem to lie in the sins of avarice and greed.  You tell me which is worse.  Bill Clinton’s personal failings did not endanger lives, did not rip off our citizens, nor send our citizens into wars we should not be in. 

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